
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4452
(248) 364-8733
m - f8a.m.-5 p.m. 每日12点闭馆.m.-1 p.m.



截至12月8日, 2021: Students must follow the SON COVID Protocol and take the actions stipulated by the SON COVID Response Team (soncovid@kingpaq.com) in order for any missed course or clinical work to be an excused 没有. 不遵守将导致 不能原谅的 没有减少成绩和/或课程不及格. This may negatively impact a student's ability to progress in the nursing program.


我们学生的健康和安全, 工作人员, 教师, and clinical partners is our highest priority as we continue to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic. 在此期间, 学生, 教师, and 工作人员 are responsible for following protocols that will protect themselves and others.  因此, it is critical to adhere to the current University health protocol to prevent the virus from spreading. This protocol is based on recommendations from the Oakland County Health Department and the CDC. Please realize that additional safety protocols might be mandated by the clinical agencies you are working with for your clinicals. 这也是对您遵守这些协议的期望. 

为了在SON中创造一个安全和健康的文化, 如果学生缺课,教师不会处罚他们, 实验室, 模拟, and/or clinicals due to COVID-19 related symptoms and/or the need to self-isolate because of a COVID-19 positive test result.  如果有缺勤, you must notify the course 教师 of Record (FOR) and they will advise you on alternative learning experiences to meet course objectives. 如果你是在临床,也要通知你的临床教员.

If you think 你有 been exposed to COVID or have symptoms of COVID, contact  SONCOVID@oakland.Edu获取更多信息.


Son COVID-19政策更新


The school of nursing and SONCOVID are in charge of all COVID related illnesses. SONCOVID will be the ones who will ultimately clear you for your return to campus, class, 实验室和诊所. The SON has to consider all of our care partner rules and requirements in making our decisions. All policy recommendations will be updated as more information becomes available, 条件允许.



充分接种疫苗: you are fully vaccinated if 你有 completed the full Pfizer/Moderna 2 shot series or completed the single dose of Johnson/Johnson.

最新的: You are considered up to date if, after 你有 completed any of the above series 如果符合条件,您已经接种了加强剂.

未接种疫苗: You are considered unvaccinated if 你有 not completed one of the above series OR 你有 收到你的助推器了.

升压: You are eligible for a booster 5 months after 你有 completed the Pfizer/Moderna series or 2 months after completing the Johnson/Johnson shot.

第二个助推器: 截至2022年8月, a second booster is recommended for over 50 and those with immunosuppressive or other health issues (consult your provider). 它可以在第一次加强后4个月给予. 这可能会改变,以包括更多的人. 

儿子助推器规则: All nursing 学生 and clinical 教师 will have to have one booster on ACEMAAP by 2022年12月1日. 这是临床合作伙伴的要求.



ALL people who test positive will isolate for 7 full days regardless of vaccination status. Day 1 is the first full day after symptoms begin or the day after your test sample was collected. 在家隔离整整7天. 在这段时间里,你会的 be allowed to attend any OU in person activity including, class, 实验室, campus or clinicals. 通知你所有的教员你的时间表. 他们会告诉你进一步的方向. 如果你符合给你的标准, you will be able to return on day 8 and must follow all directions given you. SONCOVID将为您提供返回方向. 

强烈建议您在第7天做一个实验室快速检查. 如果是阴性,那么你没有排出病毒. If it is still positive, you will stay out for 整整10天 with return on day 11. This is a recommendation only but is highly suggested due to the population we serve. 

Notify GHC of all positive test results and upload results to their secure patient portal. 如果你的家庭快速测试呈阳性, take a picture of your test with your name and date on it and send it to GHC and SONCOVID.


SONCOVID will follow you throughout the process and will give you a specific isolation timeframe with specific dates to follow. It is the student’s responsibility to notify all 教师 about the timeframe.   

注意:您将遵循SONCOVID发送给您的指导方针. GHC may give you different guidelines but that is for the general population, 而不是OU护理专业的学生. 




**截至2022年8月, the CDC has lifted quarantine for all 人 regardless of vaccination status for 无症状的 人. 

**与他人交往时戴上口罩并监测症状(喉咙痛), 交通拥堵, 流/水鼻塞, 咳嗽, 味觉/嗅觉丧失, 头疼, 身体疼痛, 发热, 恶心/呕吐, 腹泻) 整整10天.

**如果你发展 任何症状 在此期间,进行PCR检测,待在家里并通知SONCOVID.

**如果您仍然无症状,请在暴露后第5天进行PCR检测. 将结果发送到SONCOVID. 你将继续监视和 戴上整整10天的口罩 从接触.

注意:请报告所有暴露于 SONCOVID@kingpaq.com







理由是: Nurses play an important role in maintaining the health and safety of the community. At times, PPE (including, but not limited to masks) is an integral part of the process. 作为护理专业的学生, wearing PPE not only shows the community the commitment to good health and safety, 这会让学生理解, 如何正确使用和佩戴个人防护装备的实践和经验. This is another foundational experience in their nursing education that will transfer into their professional career and to the care of patients.

政策: 为了维护教职员工的安全和健康, 工作人员, 访客及学生, 护理学院实验室(治疗性, 健康评估, community and simulation) will require that masks be worn by all 人 who will come into the 实验室 for any reason or any amount of time. All 人 will comply with this policy regardless of their COVID-19 vaccination status. 本政策将继续有效,直至另行通知. 可接受的口罩包括清洁外科口罩,KN95和N95. Gator types of mask or unclean masks of any kind will not be accepted. 布制口罩 不能接受的 此时此刻. 一个干净的, new mask will be provided by 工作人员 if the person does not have a mask or does not meet the acceptable mask criteria. The Director of the 护理 Laboratories and the SON administration may make changes at any time to this policy to reflect the needs of the OU community and the changing public health environment. This policy may possibly include any aspect of PPE (face shield, gloves, etc.) that would be deemed necessary for the safety of all who use the laboratories.