宗教研究- Cis Maisel中心页面横幅

Cis Maisel犹太研究和社区参与中心

十大菠菜台子’s Cis Maisel犹太研究和社区参与中心 serves as a hub for education and community outreach on the rich tradition of Judaism and Jewish culture.

The Cis Maisel犹太研究和社区参与中心 was created through a generous gift by Cis Maisel, 他是密歇根州东南部的社区领袖,也是教育的坚定倡导者. The newly created center will focus on the study of Judaism from an academic standpoint as well as provide an important space for research 那 enhances the understanding of the rich traditions of Judaism from around the world. It is the donor’s hope 那 the center will create new collaborations and build a new level of understanding about Judaism in southeast Michigan and beyond.


Cis Maisel犹太研究和社区参与中心主任


The goal of the Cis Maisel犹太研究和社区参与中心 mission is to transmit, 解释和批判犹太历史, 宗教, 和文化传统,以造福我们的学生, 我们的校园社区, 以及大学以外的社区.

Cis Maisel犹太研究和社区参与中心的目标是:

  • To bring the campus and southeast Michigan community together through dialogue surrounding important issues of public concern. Jewish viewpoints will be highlighted on topics such as income and wealth inequality; punishment and rehabilitation; religion in education and public life; gender, 性与平等, 还有很多其他的.

  • To support efforts to enhance civic engagement and civic literacy by presenting the Jewish perspective while inviting viewpoints and contributions from outside of the Jewish traditions.

  • To work with specific Jewish community organizations in the spirit of sharing scholarly expertise, 编程, and other resources to create synergies 那 will enhance campus and community offerings. 这类组织的例子是犹太社区中心, 底特律犹太人联合会, 大屠杀纪念中心, 以及地方和教育机构.

  • The center will work with a variety of departments in the College of 艺术与科学 to provide interdisciplinary 编程. 从科学和社会科学, 到人文和艺术, 可用的程序类型几乎是无限的.

通过参与与我们当地重要话题相关的对话, 区域, 全州范围内的社区, we will engage with communities in ways 那 benefit those same communities as well as 十大菠菜台子. The communities and the individuals residing in them will gain knowledge about important issues, 哪一个可以带来更高层次的公民话语和更大的文化, 宗教, 还有历史素养. Oakland will benefit by having our faculty and students in the community sharing their talents and expertise as well as through increased exposure for the institution and more relationships with those communities we serve.  

The many contributions Jews have made to western civilization creates a great number of interdisciplinary opportunities in 编程.  与学院多个部门和项目合作, 以及许多当地的犹太机构, 机构, 和十大菠菜台子, 对中心最大限度地发挥其潜力不仅可能而且重要吗. 


The board members will serve to guide the CIS Maisel Center for Judaic Studies and 社区参与 at 十大菠菜台子.  We welcome all of these members and look forward to their valued input on our programs and future events.

  • 露丝·伯格曼是大屠杀纪念中心的教育主任
  • 拉比约瑟夫·克莱因, 十大菠菜台子和罗切斯特学院的退休拉比和教员, 联合会, 还有社区犹太教堂
  • Mr. 丹·梅多(Dan Medow)是奥克兰犹太研究委员会的社区领袖和成员
  • Michael Silverstein, community leader and Director of Development at Oakland's 业务 School


为教师项目提供最高4美元的资助,000 per academic year by the Cis Maisel犹太研究和社区参与中心.  该奖项是为与CM中心的使命相关的项目或事件而设立的. Awarded programs will include any topic relevant to Jewish history, religion, science, and the arts.

To be considered for an award 十大菠菜台子 a faculty member must submit a proposal, including a rationale for the project and why it is relevant based on the award criteria.  The CM Center director and its faculty board will assess the applications/proposals and award one or more faculty members the funds required for the project up to a maximum of $4,每个奖励周期000.

Awarded programs must include public component 那 will showcase the results of the project and/or research 那 will be free and open to the public to attend.  Cis Maisel中心将追加承诺1美元,000 for promotional materials or other expenses for the public event in a case-by-case basis as determined by the Center’s Director and faculty advisory board.  The recipient or the recipient’s department (and staff) is responsible for organizing and presenting the event.

The Cis Maisel Center board will accept applications for the CM program award annually in September from the university’s faculty.  申请必须详细描述拟申请的课程, 包括表演, 展览, 讲座, 和产品, 那

  • Focus upon topics relevant to Jewish history, culture, religion, arts, science, music, etc.
  • Highlight the University’s College of 艺术与科学’ commitment to the 犹太研究课程 and the arts and humanities
  • Programs 那 present the research or creative activity of a specific faculty member are eligible for award/award.
  • Any OU faculty member, including full-time, tenured, adjunct, and special lecturers are eligible
  • CM董事会成员及其董事也有资格获得项目资金. 同样的选拔标准也适用于这些教员.


  • The program will be announced from the Cis Maisel Center Director and faculty advisory board.  教师 must complete the award application form and submit a proposal (not more than 2 pages), 并在2月28日之前公布该计划的单独详细预算. 
  • The Cis Maisel Center 目录 and 教师 board (numbering 3-5 members) will assess the applications and determine the award for the program presented and the decisions will be reached by early April.  该项目将在下一学年进行展示.
  • 奖学金金额为每学年4,000美元.  可以选择一个或多个项目,最多可获得总奖项.
  • 对于超过4美元的项目,可以批准该奖励作为部分资助,000英镑的限额,但已获得资金的余额.


  • 教师没有资格为他们的工作获得津贴.
  • 麦瑟尔中心奖项的资金是在报销的基础上完成的.  费用将由教师的家庭部门承担.  一旦活动完成,费用已张贴横幅, 院系/系应将报销申请发送至 (电子邮件保护) 并提供备份文档.  将成立一个合资企业来偿还这笔资金和费用.
  • 将提案和申请提交给中心主任:博士. 迈克尔•Pytlik (电子邮件保护)

奖项申请可在此下载: Cis Maisel学院项目奖.

该中心的使命声明是可用的 在这里:

如果你对这个总结有任何问题 或者禀赋, 联系Cis Maisel中心主任. 迈克尔•Pytlik (电子邮件保护)


(248) 370-2154